Our current features allow our partners to work smarter and more efficient. Our proprietary steps from start to finish is flooded with smart features. Our history along with our ability to communicate with the public allows for STUK to integrate cutting edge technology. We look forward to demonstrating everything at your fingertips.
Track your drivers and trucks in real time.
Dispatchers can accurately add a new job to a driver.
Color coded live jobs allows for time remaining and duration of the current job.
All job summaries are available in the reports page.
Easy way to manage your revenue, miles driven, and other accounting details
The efficiency of this page allows our partners to manage their books and have every report needed to run their business.
Additional Features
STUK offers an easy Storage tab to manage all vehicles stored in the lot.
Successfully release a vehicle and bill the customer accordingly.
Our partners can set their own parameters that fits the Storage daily rates.
Save your customers inside of the Accounts Tab.
Clients can save pricing and future jobs that makes creating the job a lot faster.
​Manage every job inside the Invoicing tab.
Sending invoices by e-mail, accepting payments, and much more allows for a streamlined job to be found or completed.
Each working day is organized perfectly to find any job created.
STUK Payment Integrations
​Add your payment method in minutes and start receiving money to your bank account.